Nervous breakdown

Nervous breakdown
The tantrums usually affect young women and adolescents. Nevertheless, they can rarely affect an adult victim of an annoyance more or less important. Because of conflicting, and in the presence of witnesses, the victim shows signs of agitation, crying, crying, externalized ...
Even if all these signs may seem benign, it is important not to neglect them in order not to miss a call for help, which may evolve in the absence of consideration to the consequences of accidents more disturbing psychiatric . How to react? 
La crise de nerfs NerfsEn crisis first and foremost a crisis of agitation, it is important to isolate the victim
 For that, we retired to an isolated room with the victim, or they brought out all witnesses of the place where we are with the victim.
In any case, reassure the victim and ask him: 



  * Are you taking any treatment? Is this the first time this has happened to you?
* Are you monitoring for an illness?
* Since when do you feel bad?
After collecting this information, call her doctor. In his absence, and if the discomfort persists, call 15.
Then give the following information:

* The reason for your call: "a person who presents a state of agitation";
* The telephone number you are calling;
* The precise location of where you are: number, street, stairs, apartment, villa, security code, etc..
Answer the questions you will be asked by the doctor:

* What feels the victim?
* Is it followed for a psychiatric illness?
* Do they take alcohol? A she recently stopped drinking?
A-she took a poison? A drug?
* Do they take drugs?
* What are the first things you have done?
The alert ended, wait until the doctor tells you to hang up. In all cases follow the appropriate instructions provided by the physician. To avoid this ...
* In order not to aggravate a state of agitation, it is important to show a sympathetic listening to the victim;
* Do not try to forcefully control the victim, especially when one is alone, a quiet altitude is often enough to reassure the person;
* Neither slap or bucket of water are needed!
* If drug absorption, "do not drink or eat;
* If the person has suicidal intentions, do let alone at any time and in all cases call a physician (doctor, center 15).


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