The crisis of tetany

The crisis of tetany
The tetany or "spasmophilia", another name used for this type of crisis, are a special form of nervous breakdown and still affecting young women or teenagers.
Because of annoyance, anxiety, and in the presence of witnesses, the victim has a breakdown accelerated, contractures at his muscles, signs of agitation.
This crisis poses no risk but it mobilizes numerous witnesses who are themselves involved in the maintenance of this state!
How to react? 
La crise de tétanie 
The crisis in the first place tétanieEn face such a crisis, and as for the crisis of nerve, it is important to isolate the victim. For that, we retired to an isolated room with her, or they brought out all witnesses of the place where we are with the victim.
In any case, reassure the victim and ask him:

Are you taking any treatment?
Is this the first time this has happened to you?
* Are you monitoring for an illness?
* Since when do you feel bad?

If the patient usually takes a drug for this type of crisis, and that the drug was prescribed by his doctor, he must then help to absorb it.
If discomfort persists, call her doctor. In his absence, medical emergencies call (dial 15).
Then give the following information:

* The reason for your call: "a person who presents a state of agitation"; "she says she does tetany or is spasmophilia";
* The telephone number you are calling;
* The precise location of where you are: number, street, stairs, apartment, villa, security code, etc..
Answer the questions you will be asked by the doctor:

* What feels the victim?
* Is it followed for a psychiatric illness?
* Do they take alcohol? A she recently stopped drinking?
A-she took a poison? A drug?
* Do they take drugs?
* What-are the first things you have done?
The alert ended, wait until the doctor tells you to hang up.
In all cases follow the appropriate instructions provided by the physician. To avoid this ...

* In order not to aggravate this crisis, it is important to show a caring but firm listens.
* The calm of the rescuer is inversely proportional to the duration of the crisis.
* Make breathe calmly and gently as possible the victim.
* It is not necessary to breathe into a bag and especially do not put her head in the bag! There is a risk of asphyxiation.
* Neither slap or bucket of water are needed ...
* Finally, teach the victim to self-rescue.


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