Les corps étrangers

Foreign bodies
The presence of a foreign body in the eye, nose or ears is a common occurrence that may require advice from a specialist. However, if a dust or an insect, a simple gesture can solve the inconvenience. How to react?
Foreign body in the eye oeilCorps abroad
Corps étranger dans l'oeil 
The extraction of foreign body from the eye is possible if the body is easily accessible.
For an insect or dust, use a clean handkerchief or piece of gauze by gently spreading the eyelids with your thumb and forefinger.
To explore the inside of the upper eyelid, return it with a match, ask the victim to look at the opposite and enter the foreign body using a corner of the towel or compress. 

If the object is stuck, if there is a foreign body stuck in the cornea or if the foreign body is invisible - as in the case of broken glass, under any circumstances attempt to retrieve the object. Bandage both eyes while taking care not to press them. It should then carry the victim lying down to the nearest emergency eye.
Foreign body in nose
The accident happens most often to young children which drive small objects in their nostrils. Accordingly, these foreign bodies can cause obstruction or infection by damaging the nasal mucosa.
Do not under any circumstances try to remove them. Any maneuver might indeed cause further damage or even cause depression of the foreign body in the airway. Bring the child directly to the nearest emergency ENT.
Foreign body in ear
A small object can be trapped in the ear and cause temporary hearing loss or infection. Again, it takes no time to attempt the extraction. The latter may cause trauma to the ear canal or eardrum. Again, the solution is the closest emergency ENT.
If a bug is trapped in the ear, reassure the victim and help her sit. Then slowly pour warm water into the ear to dislodge the insect.
If these maneuvers are ineffective, it is imperative to get to emergencies. How to avoid these situations?
It is essential to wear eye protection when handling tools may cause splattering.
It is also important to explain to children the risk with such objects, including the obstruction.


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