first aid for head pain

Most headaches are minor, and you can amusement them with a affliction reliever. Some arch pain, however, signals a alarming or austere medical problem. Don't avoid alien arch affliction or arch afflic
tion that steadily worsens. Get medical absorption appropriate abroad if your arch pain:

* Develops aback and severely
* Accompanies a fever; annealed neck; rash; brainy confusion; seizures; changes in vision, such as abashing or seeing halos about lights; dizziness; weakness or paralysis, such as in the accoutrements or legs; accident of balance; a black eye; numbness; or adversity speaking
* Is astringent and follows a contempo abscessed throat or respiratory infection
* Begins or worsens afterwards a arch injury, abatement or bump
* Is a fresh affliction and you're earlier than 50
* Progressively worsens over the advance of a distinct day or persists for several days

Treatment >>

Serious wounds

Serious wounds
How to identify a serious wound? Some are obvious but for others ... But know the identifying is essential to rescue as efficiently as possible.
Most often, what to do is to extend the person and monitor until help arrives. Why a wound is serious? 
Les plaies graves

Serious wounds
A wound is said to be serious if it has at least one of the following characters:

* It is extensive (greater than half the palm of the hand of the victim);
* It is deep;
* It contains foreign bodies (glass, dirt, debris, etc.).
* It is contused (pieces of skin wound crashed);
* It is infected;
* It is located near a natural orifice (orifices of the face, genitals, anus ...);
* It occurs in a particularly fragile victim (sick, infant, old ...).
In all these cases it is necessary to cover the wound with sterile gauze or cloth if very clean.
You should immediately consult your doctor or in his absence, contact the center 15 to have a medical advice. How to react?
Two cases can occur: sore abdomen and chest wound.
Wound of the abdomen
The seriousness of a wound in the abdomen, usually due to trauma (car accident, fight, stab wound ...), requires first and foremost call the SAMU (15).
While waiting for emergency services:

* Lay the victim (to avoid a possible aggravation of circulatory distress due to internal bleeding);
* Apply a sterile or otherwise very clean cloth to the wound;
* Make flex the knees of the victim, and place a cover to secure them. This position relaxes the stomach muscles and reduces pressure on the wound;
* Monitor the victim and reassure her.
Wound of thorax
A penetrating wound of the chest can cause serious internal injuries and can cause breathing distress (difficulty breathing major).
She usually follows a trauma (car accident, fight, stab wound ...) and requires first and foremost call the SAMU (15).
While waiting for emergency services:

* Place the victim in the position where it feels best, usually semi-sitting position or lying on the injured side with the head and shoulders raised;
* Cover the wound with sterile compresses or otherwise very clean with a cloth;
* Watch for ventilation (breathing) of the victim.
To avoid the complications of a severe wound ...

* Before any serious wound, he should never attempt to remove a foreign body present in the wound;
* These wounds may be accompanied by bleeding, usually internal, that only emergency healthcare can take over;
* This is why any serious wound must be considered as a vital emergency.
  Warning: The only way to properly perform this type of gesture is to have previously received training in first aid certified.

Nervous breakdown

Nervous breakdown
The tantrums usually affect young women and adolescents. Nevertheless, they can rarely affect an adult victim of an annoyance more or less important. Because of conflicting, and in the presence of witnesses, the victim shows signs of agitation, crying, crying, externalized ...
Even if all these signs may seem benign, it is important not to neglect them in order not to miss a call for help, which may evolve in the absence of consideration to the consequences of accidents more disturbing psychiatric . How to react? 
La crise de nerfs NerfsEn crisis first and foremost a crisis of agitation, it is important to isolate the victim
 For that, we retired to an isolated room with the victim, or they brought out all witnesses of the place where we are with the victim.
In any case, reassure the victim and ask him: 



  * Are you taking any treatment? Is this the first time this has happened to you?
* Are you monitoring for an illness?
* Since when do you feel bad?
After collecting this information, call her doctor. In his absence, and if the discomfort persists, call 15.
Then give the following information:

* The reason for your call: "a person who presents a state of agitation";
* The telephone number you are calling;
* The precise location of where you are: number, street, stairs, apartment, villa, security code, etc..
Answer the questions you will be asked by the doctor:

* What feels the victim?
* Is it followed for a psychiatric illness?
* Do they take alcohol? A she recently stopped drinking?
A-she took a poison? A drug?
* Do they take drugs?
* What are the first things you have done?
The alert ended, wait until the doctor tells you to hang up. In all cases follow the appropriate instructions provided by the physician. To avoid this ...
* In order not to aggravate a state of agitation, it is important to show a sympathetic listening to the victim;
* Do not try to forcefully control the victim, especially when one is alone, a quiet altitude is often enough to reassure the person;
* Neither slap or bucket of water are needed!
* If drug absorption, "do not drink or eat;
* If the person has suicidal intentions, do let alone at any time and in all cases call a physician (doctor, center 15).

Choking child

Choking child
One room, a small toy, a peanut. Many causes that could lead to choking in young children. If despite all your precautions, your child can no longer breathe, we must react quickly and take the right actions, his life is in danger!
The suffocation of young children is a common household accident. Before a brutal tract obstruction by a foreign Arian, two types of attitude can be distinguished:

* If the child is breathing spontaneously, encourage her coughing. Do not perform other actions, unless the problem worsens breathing and whether a stay of the breakdown occurs;
* If the child is not breathing, do not remove the foreign body from the mouth, blindly, at the risk of the enclave deeper. Instead, use clearance techniques.
How to react?
Make five back blows
Choking in children 
L'étouffement chez l'enfant


* Keep the child's head bent forward, so that his head is lower than his chest .. For an infant, lie on the belly astride your forearm;
* Give him five back blows between the shoulder blades with the flat of the open hand;
* If this technique is inefficient, make five cuts of the chest.
Perform five compressions of the chest
Choking in children 
L'étouffement chez l'enfant

* Keep the child lying, lying on his back, head tilted back. If it's a baby, lay him on his back, his head down on your forearm;
* Perform five compressions to the chest. The cuts must be made on the bottom of the breastbone with the heel of one hand in children and with two fingers in the infant.
Remove foreign body from the mouth of the child

* After five back blows and five chest compressions, look at the child's mouth;
* Carefully remove any visible foreign matter;
* Check the ventilation.
If the child breathes

* Continue to monitor breathing (it must be regular and have at least twelve minute ventilation in children and twenty five per minute in the nourrison).
If the airway of the victim are still blocked

* Repeat the previous cycle, replacing the chest compressions with abdominal thrusts as adults;
* Repeat the cycle, alternating compressions of the chest and abdominal compression;
* Continue until the clearing of airway and resumption of spontaneous ventilation of the child.
For infants under one year
Abdominal compressions in infants are not recommended because they can cause damage to organs of the abdomen.

* Perform five cycles of dry taps in the back and five chest compressions only;
* Continue until the clearing of airway and resumption of spontaneous ventilation in infants.
 Warning: The only way to properly perform this type of gesture is to have previously received training in first aid certified.

Crush syndrome

Crush syndrome
Earthquakes, terrorist attacks, bombings. After the disaster, began the work of rescuers. One of the main risks for survivors buried for several hours is the crush syndrome or syndrome Bywaters. September 11, 2001, two planes crashing on the two tallest towers in New York (415 meters and 417 meters) in which 000 people work 50. June 1990, Iran, the earth trembles: 40,000 dead. 1940, Nazi Germany launched the "blitzkrieg" in England: the daily bombings, thousands of victims. The common point between these disasters is in one name: Bywaters. better known under the name of the crush syndrome.
Compression of muscles
"When we managed to pull the victim from his mound of earth, she seemed quite valid! Apart from some minor wounds to his legs, it seemed almost in top form. Fifteen minutes later she was dead." This testimony summarizes a first aid by itself harm syndrome Bywaters. The syndrome is named after the English physician who was the first to describe during the Second World War.
The syndrome is characterized by the burial "of the brain post-disaster related to 
compression of the lower limbs alone and the fear caused by the dramatic situation," reads the memoirs of the British doctor. Better known these days, this syndrome is actually the result of compression of muscles during a landslide. Crushed, these bodies produce toxins that will be released during the release of the victim. Risks while resident in the onset of kidney damage or even cardiac arrest.
Yards, beaches risk areas
If this syndrome is commonly associated with earthquakes and other earthquakes, it can appear outside of any natural disaster. The area of Building and Construction is thus one of the few environments where this syndrome is now mentioned. Each year, dozens of deaths on construction sites are well recorded under "Crush".
This syndrome may even meet ... along our beaches. "In summer, it is not uncommon to see some teens have fun in the sand to bury one of their comrades. The only compression of the legs can cause irreversible damage to some fragile individuals" explains a lifeguard rescuer of a seaside resort Var.
Psychological sequelae
If the Crush syndrome has consequences more or less short term, other effects can occur after several years. This is particularly true of psychological scars. Tremors, vomiting, respiratory failure, all characteristic symptoms of "sick earth" and can strike at any time after the tragedy no one identifies their cause completely. Compressed, trapped under the weight of the earth or other material, the victim accumulates almost unconsciously many psychological disorders. "Anxiety, anxiety while waiting for rescue, feeling trapped! All of these situations, the injured were seen for hours without being able to do anything," said Gilbert Bousquet Office Professional prevention and public works building (OPPBTP). Thus, for the survivors of a burial, we should remain vigilant long after the trauma

First aid kit

First aid kit
First aid kit is indispensable both at home, in the car or while traveling. It must be practical to contain only the essential, and its contents should be regularly be reviewed.
Many kinds of first aid kits are available commercially, but it is more efficient to design one based on individual needs. How be?
First aid kit
First aid kit at home can be kept in the medicine cabinet. It includes: 
La trousse de secours

* The first aid kit A thermometer;
* A box of sterile gauze;
* From the elastic mesh;
* From the tape;
* A tubular bandage for fingers;
* A chisel;
* An emergency hemostatic pad (to stop bleeding). 

The drugs should be limited to strictly necessary:

* From aspirin and paracetamol;
* A bottle of alcohol at 70 °;
* A bottle of antiseptic uncolored.
The travel kit
Besides the usual treatment of all family members, it is worth it contains:

* The European Health Insurance Card;
* The vaccination records;
A thermometer;
* A box of sterile gauze;
* From the elastic mesh;
* From the tape;
* A tubular bandage for fingers;
* An emergency hemostatic pad.
The drugs should be limited to strictly necessary:

* Drugs against motion sickness;
Aspirin and paracetamol;
* The alcohol swabs;
* Sachets antiseptic skin.
Kit Car
The car kit includes:

* Sachets skin antiseptic;
* A box of sterile gauze;
Mesh elastic;
* From the tape;
* A tubular bandage for fingers;
* An emergency hemostatic pad;
* A blanket.


    Stings and bites

    Stings and bites
    Often spend the holidays with a rediscovery of nature. But you're not alone and arrival times may cause strong reactions of the occupants in the year: insects, snakes, etc.. Despite frequent bites and stings are not neglected, however. Four risks are feared. Learn how to apprehend them and know how to react.
    Bites and animal bites are very common injuries, which expose mainly four risks:

    * Bleeding (in this case just press on the wound);
    * Infection;
    * Tetanus;
    * The specific action of the toxin or microbes brought directly by the bite or sting.
    In addition to conducting regular face a simple wound, it is essential to perform some specific actions depending on the animal caused the wound.
    How to react? 

    Animal Bites
    If you are bitten, it is a domestic or wild animal, is to behave the same:

    * First wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
    * Clean the wound then gently, with warm water and using a soap and then apply an antiseptic skin not colored (you ask your pharmacist);
    * Avoid touching the wound with your fingers while nursing;
    * Leave to air dry for a few minutes;
    * Finish by placing a precut bandage (sterile gauze or a) and mesh elastic.
    Tell the victim to consult his doctor. Attention Rabies is a viral disease fatal. If the victim is bitten in an area where rabies is endemic and where the animal has been captured, the victim must receive a rabies vaccination.
    Viper Sting
    In France, the only venomous snake is the snake, whose bite is exceptionally lethal. In cases of suspected bite (bite occurred in a wood, two bite marks close ...), do exactly the same gestures as before any animal bite. Immobilize the victim as much as possible (eg it can be transported lying down in a car) and take advice to a hospital emergency room. In no case inject antivenom: adverse reactions vis-à-vis the serum are more frequent than the risks due to the bite.
    Animal bites
    Insect bites are usually more painful than dangerous. Nevertheless, in an allergic subject, a violent reaction can sometimes be extremely serious. The initial pain is followed by swelling.
    Before any injection, if a stinger is visible, remove it with tweezers previously disinfected with alcohol 70 °. Then do exactly the same gestures as before any simple wound or bite. Check tetanus vaccination of the victim.
    Before any allergic reaction, call SAMU (15).

    Holidays: Beware of home and leisure accidents

    Holidays: Beware of home and leisure accidents
    The vacation period allows everyone to perform activities often ignored during the work year: crafts, sports, gardening ... But sometimes the crash occurs, unexpected, which can ruin the holidays.
    Without being exhaustive, we will discuss here the three most frequent accidents during leisure activities: burns, wounds and limb injuries.
    Blight is a common summer occurrence (fire, barbecue ...), whose severity depends on the location, extent, depth and cause.
    Whatever the type of burn to make the first move after protecting the scene of the accident is watering.

    In cases of minor burn
    (Range less than half the palm of the hand of the victim)
    It is, after removing the cause of burns


    * Cool the burn by spraying cold water for at least 5 minutes;
    * When watering, remove clothing in contact with the burn, with the exception of those who adhere to the skin;
    * If necessary, protect with a bandage.
    In case of severe burn (Range, deep, or located near a natural orifice), after removing the cause of the burn, you must:

    * Cool the burn immediately, watering with cold water for at least five minutes;
    * When watering, remove clothing in contact with the burn, with the exception of those who adhere to the skin;
    * Lay the victim on the unburned area;
    * Call emergency;
    * Monitor the victim until help arrives.
    Simple wound
    Small wounds are very common, especially in summer: gardening, crafts, play activities for children ...
    How to react?

    * First wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
    * Clean the wound then gently, using a soap and then apply an antiseptic skin not colored (you ask your pharmacist);
    * Allow to air dry for a few minutes;
    * Finish by placing a precut bandage or sterile gauze and elastic mesh, you change every day.
    Check if the victim is his day of tetanus vaccination (must be less than ten years).
    In the days following the occurrence watch for signs of infection:

    * Pain appears at the wound or remotely;
    * Swelling or redness around the wound;
    * The wound becomes hot;
    * The wound became purulent;
    * There are other signs of infection (small glands near the wound in the neck, underarm or groin, or even a fever ...).
    In the presence of any of these signs, it is essential to consult your doctor.

    The crisis of tetany

    The crisis of tetany
    The tetany or "spasmophilia", another name used for this type of crisis, are a special form of nervous breakdown and still affecting young women or teenagers.
    Because of annoyance, anxiety, and in the presence of witnesses, the victim has a breakdown accelerated, contractures at his muscles, signs of agitation.
    This crisis poses no risk but it mobilizes numerous witnesses who are themselves involved in the maintenance of this state!
    How to react? 
    La crise de tétanie 
    The crisis in the first place tétanieEn face such a crisis, and as for the crisis of nerve, it is important to isolate the victim. For that, we retired to an isolated room with her, or they brought out all witnesses of the place where we are with the victim.
    In any case, reassure the victim and ask him:

    Are you taking any treatment?
    Is this the first time this has happened to you?
    * Are you monitoring for an illness?
    * Since when do you feel bad?

    If the patient usually takes a drug for this type of crisis, and that the drug was prescribed by his doctor, he must then help to absorb it.
    If discomfort persists, call her doctor. In his absence, medical emergencies call (dial 15).
    Then give the following information:

    * The reason for your call: "a person who presents a state of agitation"; "she says she does tetany or is spasmophilia";
    * The telephone number you are calling;
    * The precise location of where you are: number, street, stairs, apartment, villa, security code, etc..
    Answer the questions you will be asked by the doctor:

    * What feels the victim?
    * Is it followed for a psychiatric illness?
    * Do they take alcohol? A she recently stopped drinking?
    A-she took a poison? A drug?
    * Do they take drugs?
    * What-are the first things you have done?
    The alert ended, wait until the doctor tells you to hang up.
    In all cases follow the appropriate instructions provided by the physician. To avoid this ...

    * In order not to aggravate this crisis, it is important to show a caring but firm listens.
    * The calm of the rescuer is inversely proportional to the duration of the crisis.
    * Make breathe calmly and gently as possible the victim.
    * It is not necessary to breathe into a bag and especially do not put her head in the bag! There is a risk of asphyxiation.
    * Neither slap or bucket of water are needed ...
    * Finally, teach the victim to self-rescue.

    Les corps étrangers

    Foreign bodies
    The presence of a foreign body in the eye, nose or ears is a common occurrence that may require advice from a specialist. However, if a dust or an insect, a simple gesture can solve the inconvenience. How to react?
    Foreign body in the eye oeilCorps abroad
    Corps étranger dans l'oeil 
    The extraction of foreign body from the eye is possible if the body is easily accessible.
    For an insect or dust, use a clean handkerchief or piece of gauze by gently spreading the eyelids with your thumb and forefinger.
    To explore the inside of the upper eyelid, return it with a match, ask the victim to look at the opposite and enter the foreign body using a corner of the towel or compress. 

    If the object is stuck, if there is a foreign body stuck in the cornea or if the foreign body is invisible - as in the case of broken glass, under any circumstances attempt to retrieve the object. Bandage both eyes while taking care not to press them. It should then carry the victim lying down to the nearest emergency eye.
    Foreign body in nose
    The accident happens most often to young children which drive small objects in their nostrils. Accordingly, these foreign bodies can cause obstruction or infection by damaging the nasal mucosa.
    Do not under any circumstances try to remove them. Any maneuver might indeed cause further damage or even cause depression of the foreign body in the airway. Bring the child directly to the nearest emergency ENT.
    Foreign body in ear
    A small object can be trapped in the ear and cause temporary hearing loss or infection. Again, it takes no time to attempt the extraction. The latter may cause trauma to the ear canal or eardrum. Again, the solution is the closest emergency ENT.
    If a bug is trapped in the ear, reassure the victim and help her sit. Then slowly pour warm water into the ear to dislodge the insect.
    If these maneuvers are ineffective, it is imperative to get to emergencies. How to avoid these situations?
    It is essential to wear eye protection when handling tools may cause splattering.
    It is also important to explain to children the risk with such objects, including the obstruction.

    Internal burns

    The internal burns
    The vast majority of products used in our daily life contain substances harmful if swallowed. The internal burns after ingestion of household products represent 30% of domestic accidents.
    Their seriousness depends essentially on the nature of the product in question. In most cases it is a child who is injured. How to react?
    If swallowed, and regardless of the product in question you must
    Les brûlures internes 
    The internal burns

    * Do not induce vomiting, because the lining of the esophagus has been burned in the first pass of the product, it would be even burned at the second.
    * Do not drink, because water can react chemically with the product at issue, or cause further while the wall of the stomach is stronger than that of the intestine.
    * Do not give mainly of milk, it can only enhance the absorption of the product and has no action poison ...
    * Let the child sitting or lying on its side.
    Call EMS (15), stating: 


    * The "why" calling "a child has swallowed a toxic";
    * The telephone number you are calling;
    * The precise location of where you are: number, street, stairs, apartment, villa, security code, etc..
    Answer the questions you will be asked by the doctor:

    * What type of product?
    * How much has he taken?
    For how long?
    * What are the signs presented by the child?
    * What are the first things you have done?
    The alert ended, wait until the doctor tells you to hang up.
    After inhalation of a toxic product in the airways:

    * Call EMS (15);
    * Take all steps to improve the breathing of the victim put the seated near a window, free the airway, loosen his clothing ...
    * Monitor developments.
    To avoid this ...

    * It is essential to put out of reach of children all toxic products in the house;
    * The medicine cabinets must be closed or out of reach of toddlers;
    * Household cleaners should not be placed under the sink, but on shelves;
    * Do not pour toxic chemicals into bottles of mineral water! In 60% of cases of poisoning bleach, the carton was poured into a food container.


    The heart attack

    The heart attack
    Following a decrease in oxygenation of the heart, usually secondary to obstruction of the coronary arteries (arteries that bring oxygen to the heart), heart attack may be the precursor of the arrest. For this, it is an emergency and must impose a call SAMU (15) as early as possible.
    Distinct discomfort Benin, the heart attack may endanger the life of the victim. Know how to cope and how to identify it.
    How do you recognize? 
    Le malaise cardiaque 
    The unease is reflected cardiaqueLe heart attack most often by:

    * Severe pain "that greenhouse" chest, which may have radiation ie move the arm, neck or pit of the stomach;
    * The victim is often anxious and pain may be accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating and / or nausea

    How to react?
    The victim was hurt in the chest ...
    Put it immediately, at rest: the lie unless it spontaneously adopts a different position (half-sitting, sitting ...) where she feels better ... 
    Le malaise cardiaque

    The heart attack
    Reassure the victim and ask him:

    * Are you taking any treatment? Is this the first time?
    * Do you have a disease?
    * Since when does it hurt?
    After collecting this information, call her doctor.
    In his absence or if the pain persists for more than ten minutes Immediately contact the UAS (15).
    Then give the following information:

    * The "why" calling "a person who has a sore in the chest";
    * The telephone number you are calling;
    * The precise location of where you are: number, street, stairs, apartment, villa, security code, etc..
    Answer the questions you will be asked by the doctor:

    * What feels the victim?
    * How is the pain? Y-a-irradiations there?
    * The victim has she sweats, vomiting?
    * What is his usual state of health?
    * What are the first things you have done?
    * The alert ended, wait until the doctor tells you to hang up.


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